Schiller authentic s Sämtliche Werke - Set In German"- Schiller's Complete Works in 8 volumes
Schillers Complete Works
Schillers Sämtliche Werke in 16 Banden
Mit Seinfeifungen von Karl Goedele
Published in 1894 Stuttgart at Berfkag der T. G. Cottafaben Buchhaudfung.
Leather Half Bound with textured split leather covers. The top edge, foredge and bottom edge are marbleized. The endpapers are marbleized glazed paper.
The volumes are tightly bound and firm. The hinges show slight wear at joints. The pages are clean and clear of any writing.
It is an amazingly beautiful set.
Vol 1,2 is 405 pages, 2# 9oz Vol. 3,4 is 387 pages, 2# 7.3oz Vol. 5,6 is 302 pages, 2# 3.4oz
Vol 7,8 is 336 pages, 2# 0.5oz Vol. 9,10 is 230 authentic pages, 2# 2.7 oz Vol. 11,12 is 364 pages, 2# 2.6oz
Vol 13,14 is 265 pages, 1# 12.9oz Vol. 15,16 is 451 pages, 2# 14.3oz