Seaside Bridal Bouquet of Dogwood Peonies authentic Roses Diamonds Pearls and More Seashells than Ever Starfish Cockles Sand Dollars Limpets
This is a most beautiful bridal bouquet, available on this site. You just cannot imagine beauty in a bouquet til you see this one! Instead of just the turquoise with the coral and white...there is a sea foam green. It is perfect. Adorned with even some Cochina shells..."little butterflies", it has it all!
***This is a most wonderful bouquet, I made for a Bride that had a great choice in colors. Coral and Turquoise with a touch if Ivory run through this great looking bouquet in different shades.
I added many different seashells, including the starfishes and sand dollars.
Different from the other bouquets I have pictured, this is bolder...and I made her matching bridesmaids bouquets too. Just perfectly cool.***
Please contact me for other photos of this bouquet authentic. It is popular and beautiful. I make it now with diamond trim.