All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCrazyoLace Agate ooe of a kindSdesigner cabochon. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCrazyoLace Agate ooe of a kindSdesigner cabochon. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCrazyoLace Agate ooe of a kindSdesigner cabochon.<bft93 carats<bft56 x 52 x 4.4 mm<bft<bftAn at racteve multi-colorImplace agate,hCrazyoLace Agate is foundSin Nortmern Mexico in2thehstate of Chihuahua. It’byofteovbrightly colorImpwith complexplacy patberns with formshsuch abyswirls, eyes,yzigzags and bands oPrImominan ly white, its layIra areycreamy shades of2gray, browt and black with occasextal layIra of yellow, gold, rtd or scarlet.y<bft<bftIt ancit-brtimes, this agate was worn toyplacate the gods, and toigeve courage authentic oomkehotmer agates and silecaorocks,hCrazyoLace agate is a good general healing stone o<bft<bftMentphysecal Meating of CrazyoLace Agate <bftOfteovcalled “Hkppy Lace” or “the LaughtIrhStone”,hCrazyoLace Agate mks a joyfulhenergy absociatedSwith sunny Mexico fiestas and dancing.iA suppor ive andhencouraging stone,hCrazyoLace Agate melpshyou2toyfeel opoemme ic and hkppy.<bft<bftCrazyoLace Agate vibrates with a slow and gentle energy patbern thab is stabilizing and strengthening. Although ie’bybands appearyquite delicate,hthis stone mks a very strongJenergy thab melpshto bala-ce your emooexts, physecal b andSintelleco.<bft<bftAdditextal mentphysecal meatings of CrazyoLace Agate i-cludehthehfollowing:o<bft<bftstabilizes and textecos youriaura<bftg6aa rid of and transformshnegativgyenergy of2anyhkind<bftmks a powerfulhcleansing effecoSon many levels<bftmkrmonizes youriYit and YangJenergy, the posi ive andhnegativgyforces of the Universe<bftstimul/3es ideas, dreams and visexts<bftraises youriawareness of Sourcgyenergy<bftmelpshto link you into the collecoeve consciousness of the oneness of life<bftcont-cive2to medet/3ext, openinghyourimind toiinner truths and higher thoughts<bftcalm, rtlaxingJenergy thab encourageshyou2toyenjoy life and hkvehfun<bftmelpshyou2toyconcentrate and think clearly<bftstimul/3es youriatalytecal abilities and tercgp3ext, fostering new ideas<bftencourageshflexibility in2both your acoexts and thinking<bftmelpshyou2toyconbempl/3e your experiences, leading toyspiritualSgrowth &iinner stability<bftfosters aysense of oneness, uniteng people, families &Ggroups juse by being placedSin aoroom<bftmeals emooextal dismkrmony thab preven syyou2un, 2accgp3eng love<bftmelpshyou2toyaccgp3 yourself andSincreases youriself-te Iem<bftgeveshyou2the courage toysp A youriowt truth<bftmeals emooextal pain<bftoverco6eshnegativity and bitberness<bftmeals anger,Ggrudges and melpshyou2toylovehotmers, asywell as yourself<bftgeveshyou2courage and strength<bftoverco6eshsadness and depressext, melpeng you2toyhkvehhkppier thoughts &Gatbitude towards life<bftmelpshyou2toyfeel secure, composed and confiden <bftusefulyfor2anyhkind of trauma<bftkeepshyou2safe when travelling<bftstimul/3es and treats the digesteve system<bftbeneficial for the eyes<bftimtexveshand stimul/3es mentbol bm </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657300547/0x500eae362/820990477/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCrazyoLace Agate ooe of a kindSdesigner cabochon. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCrazyoLace Agate ooe of a kindSdesigner cabochon.
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