Bouquet of bright peonies authentic in a blue vase. Oil painting in one copy. Wall art. Home decor. Rich magenta and deep blue in the painting.
Bouquet of bright peonies in a blue vase. Oil painting in one copy. Wall art. Home decor. Rich magenta and deep blue in the painting. Flower still life.
A bright stylized image of peonies in a blue vase is written on canvas stretched over fiberboard.
The painting is placed horizontally and can be placed on a table without a frame or framed. Of course, you can hang this painting on the wall along with your other paintings.
The picture shows such very trendy colors bright purple pale pink navy blue. Juicy and rich color. Hot pink and blue. Royal dignity of peonies.
This painterly depiction of a floral still life looks modern and vintage at the same time.
The paintings are arranged horizontally, the size of the painting in centimeters is 40 cm by 50 cm.
-The painting will be carefully packed with wrapper and sent in a box. I will do whatever is necessary to ensure that the painting arrives in excellent condition.
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